“A message from the Universe”

This series came to me at a moment when I was searching for answers, looking for a deeper connection with the world and within me. Intellectually, I always knew that the Universe supported me and would give me anything I asked for, yet I hadn't fully embraced this truth. What I lacked was the realization that 'I am already living, existing, and, most importantly, loving where I am.'

Embodying this realization has allowed me to fully connect with my inner power and see beyond, opening limitless possibilities and absolutely changing the course of my life.

Believe before you see.

Create the vision

Trust the process

Expect miracles

It is so beautiful how life can be simply explained through art. When you start a new project or have something in mind, you begin with the imagination process, filled with unlimited possibilities. Once you fall in love with your decision, you just have to do it. You find a way to create what comes to your mind until you achieve it. You find the right material, the right consistency, the shapes— all the details.

The mere act of doing it makes everything else fade away and makes time disappear. In that moment, you are just being, not trying to do something, simply doing it. That exact moment is when you are fully living in the present, fully experiencing every stroke, every single texture. If you think about it, if you truly enjoy and take the time to experience that moment, nothing can go wrong; everything just is.

When you consciously return to the 3D world, you find yourself creating something even better than what you had imagined. This confirms the co-creation with the universe and shows how important it is to let things be, stop trying to control what is actually out of your control, and just flow and trust that what you asked for is already here.

Art is no different from life.


Mixed Media | 2024

21cm x 21 cm


Mixed Media | 2024

19cm x 24 cm


Mixed Media | 2024

22cm x 22 cm


The Quiet Bloom

